Capcom's Pre-E3 Press ConferenceToday, at Capcom's press conference, the company confirmed it's intentions towards the GameCube, their plans for the coming months and the E3 Exposition show this Thursday to Saturday. The company addressed some questions regarding the "Capcom 5", P.N. 03, Dead Phoenix, Resident Evil 4, Killer 7, and Viewtiful Joe, and their intentions towards their appearance on Nintendo's next generation console. A summary of the Conference.P.N. 03 and Resident Evil 4 will remain exclusive to the GameCube. Killer 7 and Viewtiful Joe are still scheduled for release on the GameCube in the coming months, although it seems that they will likely become multiformat.Dead Phoenix has apparently not been cancelled and nothing new is to be shown at this year's E3 Expo. New video footage of Resident Evil 4 will be shown at both Nintendo's and Capcom's booth at the Expo. At time of writing, now new titles have been announced, although the main show could reveal some new input to Nintendo's calibre, and maybe a joint development title or two. Things are still looking strong for the GameCube with all the announced titles still being developed and on track for release in all territories, and hopefully, this will not change in the coming months. By JB